Das Londoner Lifestyle Magazin Monocle hat in seiner jährlichen Top 25 Liste Fukuoka auf Platz 12 der am lebenswertesten Städte weltweit gesetzt:

London-based Monocle magazine announced their annual ranking of the world’s most livable cities for 2013 and for the second year in a row Fukuoka ranks 12th. Copenhagen placed first followed by Melbourne, Helsinki, and Tokyo. Kyoto was the only other city in Japan to make the cut, just after Fukuoka at 13th spot. The magazine praised Fukuoka as a model compact city saying its residents enjoy a smaller, greener, more relaxed version of what bigger urban centres offer, and as a convenient base for businesses eyeing an expansion into Asia. “Fukuoka has clean air, mountains and sea close by, a thriving dining and arts scene, and research centres belonging to some of the world’s top hi-tech companies. But the city has struggled to halt a brain drain of college graduates and its efforts to set up a bicycle-rental system, promote local farmers and make better use of oceanfront property have been too tentative or fallen short.”
(Text: Fukuoka Now)

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Wikipedia Artikel über World’s most livable cities